The Hill-James Field Journal

The things three boys are learning

Mohawks and Golden Bikes 30/06/2012

Filed under: Activities,Crafts — jeremylukehill @ 07:56

Marlon – Dad gave us mohawk haircuts! I wanted a mohawk when I was little, but I didn’t get one. Now I got a mohawk.

Ethan – I got a mohawk too, but Jayden just got a trim. Dad said he can have a mohawk when he gets big.

Marlon and Ethan

Marlon – My mohawk is wider than Ethan’s, and I have an army vest, so I look tough.

Dad – And what were we waiting for when we did your haircuts?

Marlon – Waiting for the bikes to dry from painting.

Ethan – We spray painted them gold, just on the metal part, not on the wheels or the seats or the handles.

Marlon – But some did get on the wheels.

Ethan's Gold Bike

Marlon's Gold Bike

Ethan – The only problem is, we have to wear helmets, so people can’t see our mohawks when we ride our gold bikes.


Making Jetpacks 28/06/2012

Filed under: Crafts — jeremylukehill @ 12:39

Ethan – We made jetpacks with pop bottles. First you take the sticker off the bottle. Then you tape on the tinfoil. Then you attach the bottles with duck-tape (or duct-tape, whichever you prefer) and make straps with duck-tape folded in half.

Ethan Making Jetpack

Marlon – One of my bottles is green, but you can’t tell which one. I can tell, but you can’t in the picture.

Marlon with Jetpack

Ethan – We made Jayden a jetpack too, but it only has one bottle because he’s little, and because we only had one more bottle.

Marlon – He just picked the tinfoil off anyway, and we had to clean it up so he didn’t choke.


New Baby Brother 20/06/2012

Filed under: Family — jeremylukehill @ 11:45

Dad – We have had to update the title of our blog because we now have a third boy in the family. It’s now no longer just Ethan and Marlon’s Field Journal. It’s Jayden’s also.

Jayden came to be a part of our family about a week ago, and he is fitting in very quickly, demonstrated by the fact that he broke his first window with the butt end of a broom two days ago, something that the older boys took much longer to accomplish. He is a happy, active, funny little guy, and we are in love with him already.

Jayden Eating a Cracker

Marlon – The best thing about a little brother is that he gets to stay with us forever. Sometimes he pulls my hair, but I’m not alowed to push him, because he’s just a baby. You can only push big kids.

Ethan – He does good soccer and hockey. He throws the ball, and then I have to go get it. Sometimes he uses a flyswatter for a hockey stick.


Marlon – I’m big enough to give him his milk, but he doesn’t really sit still.

Ethan – I can feed him too, but you have to give him little pieces, and they have to be not too tough. He likes bananas and cheese.

Marlon – And watermellon.

Ethan – Yeah, and blueberries. All the fruits.

Jayden Eating Icecream