The Hill-James Field Journal

The things three boys are learning

Summer Fun 10/08/2015

Filed under: Family — jeremylukehill @ 13:20

Dad – We went to camp last month, our last year directing Inter-High, so we decided to go out with a hill-billy bang, including a hoe down, a hootenany, and a old-timey country fair that the perm staff put on.

Marlon – I did bobbing for apples in a pool of oatmeal.

Dad – A pool of oatmeal that had been sitting in the sun with twenty other people’s faces in it. It was disgusting.

Marlon – It was awesome.

Marlon Dunking for Corn in a Pool of Oatmeal

Dad – There was also face painting, but jayden chose to get his arm painted instead.

Jayden – It’s a cat, and it’s on me. Somebody else put it on with paint. They didn’t get any on my pillow.

Jayden's Cat Tattoo

Dad – We also had a birthday party for Marlon at a trampoline gym.

Marlon – I picked it because it totally keeps us out of trouble. And you can bring your own food there. And we brought our own Rolo cake that I made. Well, that Dad made with me. And there’s some left still, because it was huge.

Marlon's Birthday Party

Jayden – You can jump on the foam there, and then you dig down to the bottom. Dad said, “Get out so other kids can have a turn,” but he couldn’t get me because he had his shoes on.

Jayden at Marlon's Birthday Party

Ethan – I was trying to bounce on all the trampolines in a row with only one step on each. Only Anyk and I could do it.

Ethan at Marlon's Birthday Party

Marlon – You can play dodgeball too, but nobody could get me out. I was jumping so high, and then I would catch the balls in mid-air.

Marlon's Birthday Party

Marlon – It was pretty much the awesomist birthday. I just ate junk food the whole day. And Gaterade. And I watched movies with Dad til the middle of the night. Next year I’m having the same party, because I’ll be bigger and I’ll bounce even higher.