The Hill-James Field Journal

The things three boys are learning

Catch Up 24/12/2013

Filed under: Family — jeremylukehill @ 11:47

Dad – We’ve been really terrible about posting stuff since we got back from PEI, so this is a kind of catch-up post.


Dad – Here is a picture from Marlon’s baptism.

Marlon, Just Baptized

Dad – Here are some shots of Jayden and Ethan hiking with some homeschool friends.



Dad – Here’s Jayden on his balance bike.


Dad – Here’s Ethan fixing a broken nerf gun.

Ethan Fixing Nerf Gun

Dad – And here’s Marlon at his drama recital. He did a skit called The Two Golden Swords, and he closed the show with a break dancing session.

Marlon's Drama